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What are Annuities?

Many Americans say their main concern for retirement is that they'll outlive their money. Unfortunately, it's a very real possibility for many people as the cost of living increases and people live longer with each generation.

A lifetime income annuity can solve this problem. Even if you live to be 120, you'll still receive an income every month from your annuity.

Provision Financial can help you enjoy a stress-free retirement and the freedom to enjoy your golden years.

Why is an annuity so important?

As you know, the United States population is aging and people are living longer. More than 8,000 people turn 65 every day and more people are living into their 80s and 90s. It's a realistic concern that you'll outlive the money you have saved for retirement.

Retirement is no longer as certain as it once was. Pensions and 401(k) plans aren't offered by all employers. And when they are, they come with heavy taxes and can be at risk in the market. People are living longer due to advances in medicine, so outliving financial resources is a real concern for most Americans. An annuity can be a great solution to these problems because it is a secure investment that can guarantee income for your retirement.

If you don't want to risk losing part of your retirement savings in equity-based products with the risk of market losses, an annuity is a great alternative. Fixed and Index annuities offer protection for your principal as well as the gain you receive each year. Your money is never at risk due to market losses because there are minimum guarantees in the contract that protect you.

Many of the annuity products that we offer come with a guaranteed retirement income that cannot be outlived, no matter how long you live or how much retirement savings you have accumulated.

Find out how you can set up a tax-free retirement plan by filling out our quote form. Our team of

trained retirement specialists will work with you to develop a plan that fits your budget and income needs.

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